September 19, 2024

India will be world’s largest economy by 2060 says British MP

New Delhi: According to the estimates of IMF and Goldman Sachs, by the year 2075, India will be the second largest economy in the world. But UK MP Lord Karan Bilimoria says that India will become the world’s largest economy only in 2060. He said that India is moving fast and will soon be included in the three superpowers of the world. In 25 years, India’s economy will reach 32 trillion dollars and it will be the second largest economy in the world. India is now the fifth largest economy in the world. America, China, Japan and Germany are ahead of that.

Bilimoria did his schooling from Hyderabad Public School and is a member of the House of Lords of Britain. According to a PTI report, he said on the sidelines of a program in Hyderabad that the eyes of the whole world are on India. There is no doubt that soon India will be among the three superpowers of the world. I estimate that within 25 years India’s economy will reach $32 trillion and it will be the second largest economy in the world. Not only this, I believe that in the year 2020, India will be the largest economy in the world. He also hoped that the Free Trade Agreement between India and the UK would take shape soon.

When the economy was battered, China started digging a 10,000 meter deep pit, know what is the matter

1.7 million Indians

The British MP said that trade between India and the UK is growing rapidly and has reached above £30 billion annually. But I think it is very less. This can be done many times faster. He said that there are 1.7 million people of Indian origin living in Britain. It is Britain’s most successful minority community. There PM Rishi Sunak is of Indian origin. Along with this, people of Indian origin have planted their flags in business and many other areas. Cobra Beer’s founder Bilimoria said that he wants to restart his product in India as soon as possible.

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