Japan is the country with the strongest buildings in the world, here buildings are made in such a way that they can withstand even the biggest shock of earthquake
This type of buildings made after the devastation caused by the earthquake
The name of the country we are talking about is Japan. In 2011, there was the Tokuhou earthquake in Japan. During this time there was a lot of devastation due to earthquake. Along with calling Japan the country of the rising sun, it would not be wrong if we call it the country of earthquakes. Earthquake tremors are felt here throughout the day. Sometimes these earthquakes bring devastation like 2011. The urban life of Japan revolves around these buildings. In view of the frequent earthquakes, high-rise buildings in Japan are built in such a way that they can withstand the tremors.
This is how such strong buildings are made
According to media reports, even small and temporary buildings in Japan are made in such a way that they can withstand earthquake shocks. Engineers of Japan keep two things in mind while making buildings, they make structures that can withstand small earthquake shocks. Any building experiences such tremors three or four times. Buildings are made in such a way that earthquakes do not cause any damage to them. In Japan, shock absorbers are installed in the pillars of buildings to withstand severe earthquakes. These are the ones that are installed in vehicles to protect them from shaking.
Earthquake tremors become ineffective
Buildings in Japan are made in such a way that they can shake when an earthquake occurs. The shock absorbers fitted in these protect the building from earthquake tremors. In such a situation, there is no danger of collapse of these buildings in case of an earthquake. These buildings are such that they can withstand even the biggest shock.